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Vancouver Monthly Parking Features

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Pender Place
750 West Pender (Lot #1)
Non-Tenant Random
(M-F 6am-7pm)

This clean and brightly lit parking facility is located under Pender Place on the south side of West Pender Street between Howe Street and Granville Street; within easy walking distance of Pacific Centre, Canada Place, Vancouver Convention Centre and the Waterfront. There are a wide variety of restaurants, hospitality services, shopping destinations and convenient access to transit available nearby.

HSBC Building
885 West Georgia (Lot #1880)
Random Non-Tenant

This very clean, brightly lit parkade is located in the heart of downtown near the best shopping that Vancouver has to offer. Robson Street is a short walk, Pacific Centre is even closer. The facility has regular security patrols and the Parking Host is always willing to help should you need it. Parking Hosts hours: 10am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.

City Centre Professional Building
13737 96th Ave (Lot #1746)
Random Parking

Central City Professional Building is a covered Surrey parking lot located at 96th Ave and 137th Street.  This location also provides overflow availability for Surrey Memorial Hospital monthly parking and metered parking.

Popular Vancouver Destinations

Find Vancouver parking near some of the city’s most popular destinations below.

Canada Place

Robson Square

Telus World of Science

Rogers Arena

BC Place

Harbour Centre

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